Upper Body focus
Learn about fascial health with a focus on upper body. In this “hands on” class we will have ample time to explore how to release fascia of the hands, arms, shoulders, neck, chest, jaw and head. Learn how to soften into your body to go even deeper during your myofascial release treatments. You will go home understanding how to treat yourself with your own hands and various tools. Saturday January 18, 1:00-4:00. Class size limited to 8 people.
Learn about fascial health with a focus on lower body. In this “hands on” class we will have ample time to explore how to release fascia of the feet, legs, hips, glutes, low back, pelvic floor and abdominals. Learn how to soften into your body to go even deeper during your myofascial release treatments. You will go home understanding how to treat yourself with your own hands and various tools. Saturday February 8, 1:00-4:00. Class size limited to 8 people.
Learn about fascial health with a focus on spine from the sacrum to the cranium. In this “hands on” class we will have ample time to explore how to release fascia of the SI joint, low back, mid back, neck and head. Learn how to soften into your body to go even deeper during your myofascial release treatments. You will go home understanding how to treat yourself with your own hands and various tools. Saturday March 8, 1:00-4:00. Class size limited to 8 people.