~ You will be qualified to practice Reiki upon completion of this two day workshop ~

Reiki is a beautiful life-force energy given to us as a gift to renew and heal ourselves. In this two-day class, you will be attuned to Reiki energy, connecting you to this incredible source of love. You will be opened to the flow of Reiki enabling you to channel its energy to others and yourself. You will be taught how to allow this energy to come through your heart, and out your hands.

This beginning training is one of the most thorough and comprehensive available. It includes both Reiki I & Il and is a combination of the Western style as introduced by Mrs. Takata and the Japanese style.

This workshop includes
  • Usui/Holy Fire® III attunement certificates,

  • the complete manual for Reiki I & II, “Reiki The Healing Touch” by William Lee Rand, and
  • a subscription to the Reiki News Magazine

Usui/ Holy Fire® III Reiki I/II class

In this workshop you will learn:

  • The nature of Reiki energy

  • The Reiki Ideals

  • The complete hand placement system

  • Giving Reiki to yourself

  • Gassho meditation

  • Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas needing healing. (usually in the aura) and to treat them

  • Reiji-Ho: Using inner guidance to know how and where to treat

  • Kenyoku: Dry bathing, a method to purify your energy field

  • Koki-ho: Using the breath to heal

  • Gyoshi-ho: Sending Reiki with the eyes

  • Sending Reiki at a distance

  • Reiki I symbols: How to draw, activate and use them. Their many uses are explained and their inner meaning is discussed.

  • Practice time is given so students know from experience how the energy of each symbols feels and the results each symbol produces

  • Attunements for Reiki I and II are given

This class is a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration and practice time. Every student will experience giving and receiving a complete treatment using Byosen scanning, and the hand placement system. Practice time is given using all the Reiki II symbols as well as techniques mentioned.

Cost – $495.00 with a $175.00 non-refundable deposit 2 weeks prior to class date

Deposit is transferable to Peace Clinic offerings within one year

Class size 6 students max

Saturday in November 9:00-5:30 with 1 hour lunchbreak and Sunday in November 9:00-5:30

This 2 day course is open to anyone interested in learning a simple and powerful natural energy healing method. Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki techniques can be used on yourself, on other people, even on your pets, to facilitate deep healing of emotional, physical, and spiritual issues by working with all of the body’s energy fields. Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki can be combined with other healing modalities and traditional Western medicine, and is now often used in hospitals, Hospice, and other medical settings. At the end of this class you will have the skills you need to go out into the world and help to heal yourself and others. After completion of the class there you will receive a professional certificate and be registered with the ICRT as a Reiki I/II graduate practitioner. The ICRT website also has a wealth of free information to support your personal healing and professional Reiki practice.

Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.

Email thepeaceclinic@yahoo.com or call/ text (803) 228-7926 for more information or to register for class

About Tasha’s journey with Reiki…

I learned Reiki in 2005 to share with my family and cultivate a deeper relationship with my world. All of my training has been with the esteemed organization, the International Center for Reiki Training. The ICRT has been instrumental in the sharing of Reiki in the world since 1991.

Reiki has been a beautiful companion in my life journey the last twenty years and given me tools to empower myself and connect with my loved ones. Reiki flows naturally through me and around me, and it is my pleasure to be a Reiki Master Teacher.

I teach classes with a maximum of six students to cultivate a sacred healing environment and plenty of practice time.

Email thepeaceclinic@yahoo.com or call/ text (803) 228-7926 for more information or to register for class